Thank You
We want to thank our sponsors and corporate donors. Without the support of our trusted and valued sponsors, we would not be able to continue our mission to help young people. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Geeks on Wheels
Hearn Brothers Printing
Missionary Chocolates
Office Depot
QPR Institute
RBC Wealth Management
Red Lion Foundation
Spokane Regional Health
Spokane Rotary 21
WA Trust Bank

We at SMILE want to thank you for your support over the years. Since our start in 1997, SMILE has worked to support teachers, counselors and medical professionals in the Northwest and we have contributed to meaningful, positive change with your contributions.
Due to health challenges our board of directors has determined that as of this year, SMILE will conclude our philanthropic work.
Additionally, SMILE is no longer requesting donations.
Again, thank you for helping us enhance resources for students and families to improve mental health and resiliency, and honor the life of Craig Toribara.
We wish you all the best and a wonderful 2024.
The “Grieving Resource” is a guide for those grieving any type of loss. It is divided into fiction/non-fiction, age groups, and has specialized topics including the loss of a pet. Topics include suicide, homicide and resources for children, teens, adults and professionals.
The “Grieving Resource” is a dynamic document. If you would like to recommend a valuable resource to be considered for future editions, please e-mail SMILE at smile@smilelifework.org.
Mention of specific companies, organizations, or specialists on this web site does not imply endorsement by SMILE. Nor does it imply their endorsement of SMILE.
Information and addresses including web sites were accurate at time of posting.
All rights reserved. No part of the web site including articles may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic or mechanical, recording, or any other storage and retrieval system without written permission of SMILE and authors.